
This text is organized around the six learning outcomes for Tackling a Wicked Problem.

    1. Understand the importance of the General Education Habits of Mind to your success both during and after college
    2. Progress in your personal development of the General Education Habits of Mind
    3. Learn about the complexities and challenges of your wicked problem and be able to explain them to other people
    4. Demonstrate the ability to recognize the need for information to accomplish a specific purpose in a particular context as well as to be able to find, evaluate, use, and properly cite that information
    5. Engage in a project development process that includes at least one attempt to make a difference in the world related to your wicked problem and be able to explain to other people what you did
    6. Explain how your project development activities relate to the General Education Habits of Mind

This short OER is intended to provide insight into why TWP is organized in the way that it is and to give tips about how to engage students with each of the course learning outcomes. It is a work-in-progress and I would appreciate feedback about what’s missing, what you would like to know more about, and what other resources might be valuable in helping you teach Tackling a Wicked Problem.


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TWP Instructor's Manual by Cathie LeBlanc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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